Mantoloking, NJ

Ocean County

What Happened: Barnegat Bay flooded streets and property on 12 23 2022

When Did it Happen: 2022-12-23

How Did it Affect You: On this day, and for a few days after- Bay tide rose to highest level since Sandy. Roads impassable, police activity needed to transport residents. Health related issues led to residents transported out of community by either police or ambulance. Roads being raised by local Brick/Toms River municipalities at a cost of several million dollars. But under these circumstances, higher roads will not solve access problems. Certainly, getting worse in terms of heavy flooding past several years.

Did The Experience Change How You Think About Flooding: Since flooding getting so much worse year to year- value of home holding steady or rising becomes a concern and need to consider selling out eventually before values start to fall.

12/23/2022 | 12:19 pm

Tidal Overview

0 hours 50 minutes after high tide

Data from Ocean Beach (1.1 miles away)
All heights shown relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW): the daily low tide level averaged over a 19-year period.

High Tide (Predicted): 11:29 am, 0.5'

Observed Predicted water level Report time

The accuracy of the predicted tides at the photo location may vary depending on distance from the nearest tide station and due to wind, rain, and other short-term meteorological events.

Weather Overview

Wind Speed: 21.2 MPH

Wind Direction: SW (217°)

Temperature: 43℉

Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0.022"

Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0.3"

(Click here for full weather details)

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