4 hours 16 minutes before high tide
Data from MYRTLE BEACH, SPRINGMAID PIER (14.7 miles away)
Water Level (at time of report): 4:38 pm, 1.2'
High Tide (Predicted): 8:49 pm, 6.4'
High Tide (Observed): 8:54 pm, 6.5'
(Click here for full tide details from NOAA Tides & Currents)
Wind Speed: 13.8 MPH
Wind Direction: SW (220°)
Temperature: 84℉
Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"
Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0.2"
(Click here for full weather details)
"The water level in White Point Swash in North Myrtle Beach no longer changes with the tide levels. This disconnect has only recently occurred and is constant."