Coastal Erosion The wearing of land and the removal of beach or dune sediment often caused by wind, waves, tides, drainage, and storm-surge.
Dune Walkover: A structure, typically a wooden walkway, built over the dunes to allow access to the beach, and prevent permanent damage and unnecessary wear and tear of dunes from pedestrian traffic accessing the beach.
Escarpment: A steep slope separating an area of land, usually resulting from erosion or faulting.
Groins: A structure, usually perpendicular to the shore, designed to stabilize a beach by trapping near shore sand drift.
Revetment: A sloping structure built along an escarpment or in front of a bulkhead to protect the shoreline or bulkhead from erosion.
Revetted Seawall: A seawall, typically made of concrete, reinforced with a rock revetment.
Seawall: A type of retaining wall designed to withstand normal beachfront conditions and wave forces.