Cape May Point, NJ

Cape May County

10/22/2023 | 3:13 pm

Tidal Overview

0 hours 3 minutes before high tide

Data from Cape May Point, Sunset Beach (1.3 miles away)
All heights shown relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW): the daily low tide level averaged over a 19-year period.

High Tide (Predicted): 3:16 pm, 5.5'

The accuracy of the predicted tides at the photo location may vary depending on distance from the nearest tide station and due to wind, rain, and other short-term meteorological events.

Weather Overview

Wind Speed: 21.9 MPH

Wind Direction: NW (310°)

Temperature: 58℉

Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"

Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0"

(Click here for full weather details)

Tide Gauge

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