"1 - Lincolnville Beach, Lincolnville Maine looking towards the Lobster Pound on Atlantic Hwy (Rte 1)
2 - Lobster Pound Restaurant opposite view from parking lot of the Whales Tooth Pub
3 - Whales Tooth Pub, Lincolnville Maine
4 - Looking inland across Atlantic Hwy from small bridge towards the beginning of Frohock brook.
5 - Lincolnville Beach from parking lot, looking towards ferry terminal."
"1 - Lincolnville Beach, Lincolnville Maine looking towards the Lobster Pound on Atlantic Hwy (Rte 1) 2 - Lobster Pound Restaurant opposite view from parking lot of the Whales Tooth Pub 3 - Whales Tooth Pub, Lincolnville Maine 4 - Looking inland across Atlantic Hwy from small bridge towards the beginning of Frohock brook. 5 - Lincolnville Beach from parking lot, looking towards ferry terminal."