Photo description: Gray's Beach Living Shoreline Construction. Coir rolls installation at toe of dune and at toe of fringing marsh. Pre-sediment placement and vegetation installation.
Coastal resources in/directly adjacent to project footprint:
- beach (mixed sediment)
- dune
- salt marsh (fronting beach)
Project elevation:
- above mean high water (MHW)
- between MHW and mean low water (MLW)
Coastal infrastructure present at site:
- multi-use path or road
Site stability:
- unknown
Vegetative cover of project area:
- none
Dominant vegetative type within project area: none
Human impacts at project site:
- other
Other human impacts: Construction equipment
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"Gray's Beach (GB): Project is currently in mid-construction. Post revetment removal, pre-sediment placement, and pre-vegetation installation."