Collected crabs
Observation Type: Opportunistic observation
Molts/crabs found: Yes
European green crabs found: No
Number of European green crab molts found: 0
Also submitting Dungeness crab molt data: No
Number of Dungeness crab molts found: 0
Observation Type: Opportunistic observation
Molts/crabs found: Yes
European green crabs found: No
Number of European green crab molts found: 0
Also submitting Dungeness crab molt data: No
Number of Dungeness crab molts found: 0
2 Comments. Leave new
Hi Gabriela! Thanks for submitting your opportunistic observation. It sure is a red rock crab– great job correctly identifying it even with a chunk of the carapace missing! This report was set to an inland location on Whidbey Island. If you reply to this message with what beach you were on, I can update your report for you and make it public! –Elyse (WSG)
Awesome! (I love it when I get them right!) It’s so weird that the app logged it as Coupeville – it was actually at North Beach County Park in Port Townsend.
Thanks so much for updating, Elyse!