Report type: During storm
Observed weather: Moderately cloudy
Flood extent or water line photo
Estimated Flood Height: 1ft
Estimated Inundation Distance: 10-20'
Estimated Flood Timing: 2021-11-04
Wave Height Photo
Storm or Flood Impact Photo
Impact Type: Flooding
Impact Extent: Isolated (single beach or site, 10s of feet)
Signs of a recent slide?: No
2 Comments. Leave new
The storm drains in picture #1 are where the water came from. It is salt water rising up from the pressure of the high tide. It will drain out slowly as the tide recedes.
sorry, the 3 boxes in photo one are not storm drains but rather lids over drinking water system equipment, which is in bare ground and around which salt water rises. The salt water does come up through a storm drain very near the 3 box lids, but not actually in the picture.