Vessel name: Misty
7 hours 9 minutes before high tide
Data from CHERRY POINT (10.4 miles away)
Water Level (at time of report): 12:31 pm, -2.6'
High Tide (Predicted): 7:38 pm, 10'
High Tide (Observed): 7:42 pm, 9.6'
(Click here for full tide details from NOAA Tides & Currents)
Wind Speed: 3.9 MPH
Wind Direction: WNW (301°)
Temperature: 71℉
Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"
Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0"
(Click here for full weather details)
Hi Kris, we do have a vessel that sank not far off shore from this position. Its DVRP # SJ20-007. a 22ft TNY sailboat. I wonder if this half of it? Was there in HIN on the stern?
Hi Jerry,
I will send the HIN over in an email. We only retrieved the shoreward portion, roughly 1/3 of the debris. The keel is still lower on the rocks nearby.
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2 Comments. Leave new
Hi Kris, we do have a vessel that sank not far off shore from this position. Its DVRP # SJ20-007. a 22ft TNY sailboat. I wonder if this half of it? Was there in HIN on the stern?
Hi Jerry,
I will send the HIN over in an email. We only retrieved the shoreward portion, roughly 1/3 of the debris. The keel is still lower on the rocks nearby.
You can mark this report as having been removed.