Everett, WA

Snohomish County

Vessel name: Unspecified

08/26/2020 | 3:09 pm

Tidal Overview

1 hours 56 minutes after high tide

Data from Marysville, Quilceda Creek (0.9 miles away)

High Tide (Predicted): 1:13 pm, 8.9'

Observed Predicted water level Report time

Weather Overview

Wind Speed: 10.1 MPH

Wind Direction: NNW (327°)

Temperature: 72℉

Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"

Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0"

(Click here for full weather details)

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hi Elisa. We have this vessel and the others reported in August entered into the database. Snohomish County has been doing a great job cleaning up the waterways/estuary and I would imagine that they’ll be removing these derelicts eventually when funding and resources are available. Thanks for the reports and keep up the vigilance on our waters.

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