Vessel name: Sandbagger
Hull Type: Fiberglass
Vessel Type: Recreational
Vessel Subtype: Sailing
Vessel is: Aground
Description of Any Hazardous Materials: Gasoline and batteries
Is Vessel Occupied?: No
Evidence of Other Illegal Activity: Saw this boat back in December when it was abandoned and tied to a piling. Now it is aground. Hull appears to to impaled by a piling and is stuck. Not sure if it would float With the hole it now has
2 Comments. Leave new
Hi Elisa. Just to confirm… is this the same vessel (SN20-002) that you reported when it was tied to pilings or are there 2 sailboats in this general vicinity?
Hi Jerry, yes it is. I spoke to the Port of Everett yesterday and they said they are working on contacting the owner. In the interim, the are working on removal. My contact said that they are waiting for high tide to see if they can get it off the rocks to tow it in.