Vessel name: Unspecified
Vessel Type: Recreational
Vessel Subtype: Sailing
Vessel is: Aground
Is Vessel Occupied?: No
1 hours 14 minutes before high tide
Data from Everett (2.4 miles away)
High Tide (Predicted): 3:10 pm, 10.5'
(Click here for full tide details from NOAA Tides & Currents)
Wind Speed: 2.1 MPH
Wind Direction: NNW (341°)
Temperature: 64℉
Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"
Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0.1"
(Click here for full weather details)
Hi Michelle. This is DVRP # SN19-006 and we actually posted this vessel with the intent to gain custody. The custody date is 30SEP19 and after that date we’ll hire our contractors to remove and dispose. Thanks for the report.
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Hi Michelle. This is DVRP # SN19-006 and we actually posted this vessel with the intent to gain custody. The custody date is 30SEP19 and after that date we’ll hire our contractors to remove and dispose. Thanks for the report.