Report type: Post-storm
Other debris: Trees and logs
Measurement represents:
- Inundation: most landward point the water reaches, often coincides with runup, but can differ if a berm or seawall is higher than the elevation at the inundation point
- Erosion: often in the form of scarps, slumps, vegetation line retreat, bluffs slides, etc.
Wave height: 0ft
Stake number: 1
Stake Photo
Latitude: 47.9640355055
Longitude: -122.240773542
From Vantage Point
Latitude: 47.9640355055
Longitude: -122.240773542
Beach Profile #1
Latitude: 47.9640355055
Longitude: -122.240773542
Taken from: West
Beach Profile #2
Latitude: 47.9640355055
Longitude: -122.240773542
Taken from: North
Reference Feature
Latitude: 47.9640339548
Longitude: -122.240703469
Latitude: 47.9640339548
Longitude: -122.240703469
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