Report type: Post-storm
Debris seen:
- Boulders
- Cobbles
- Coarse gravel
- Medium gravel
- Fine gravel
- Coarse sand
- Medium sand
- Fine sand
Other debris: Logs, branches, wood, trash-mixed debris.
Measurement represents:
- Debris Line: deposition of sediment, cobbles, wood debris, trash, etc.
Wave height: 1.5ft
Stake number: 2
Stake Photo
Latitude: 48.1347241626
Longitude: -122.367778234
From Vantage Point
Latitude: 48.134750356
Longitude: -122.367720399
Beach Profile #1
Latitude: 48.134719343
Longitude: -122.367753424
Taken from: West
Beach Profile #2
Latitude: 48.134719343
Longitude: -122.367753424
Taken from: East
Reference Feature
Latitude: 48.134719343
Longitude: -122.367753424
Latitude: 48.134719343
Longitude: -122.367753424
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"Lots of changes, plus it started to rain! Team member John Radzewich joined Sandy Evans in compiling this report."