Stanwood, WA

Snohomish County

Report type: Pre-storm

Debris seen:

  • Medium gravel

Measurement represents:

  • Runup: highest elevation the water reaches
  • Inundation: most landward point the water reaches, often coincides with runup, but can differ if a berm or seawall is higher than the elevation at the inundation point
  • Debris Line: deposition of sediment, cobbles, wood debris, trash, etc.

Wave height: 0.5ft

Stake number: 1

Stake Photo

Latitude: 48.10739799

Longitude: -122.34761402

From Vantage Point

Latitude: 48.10736138

Longitude: -122.34739956

Beach Profile #1

Latitude: 48.10727677

Longitude: -122.34763172

Taken from: West

Beach Profile #2

Latitude: 48.10732855

Longitude: -122.34766279

Taken from: South

Reference Feature

Latitude: 48.10705221

Longitude: -122.34763805


Latitude: 48.10705462

Longitude: -122.34765175

12/23/2016 | 3:50 pm

Tidal Overview

4 hours 8 minutes after high tide

Data from Port Townsend (20 miles away)

Water Level (at time of report): 3:50 pm, 4.7'

High Tide (Predicted): 11:34 am, 8.6'

High Tide (Observed): 11:42 am, 9.1'

Observed Predicted water level Report time

Weather Overview

Wind Speed: 4.2 MPH

Wind Direction: W (281°)

Temperature: 34℉

Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0.009"

Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0.41"

User-observed Weather:

  • Overcast

(Click here for full weather details)