Report type: Post-storm
Debris seen:
- Coarse gravel
- Medium gravel
Other debris: Wood
Measurement represents:
- Debris Line: deposition of sediment, cobbles, wood debris, trash, etc.
Wave height: 0ft
Stake number: 1
Stake Photo
Latitude: 48.1373800105
Longitude: -122.366990838
From Vantage Point
Latitude: 48.1372794696
Longitude: -122.36680367
Beach Profile #1
Latitude: 48.1373240613
Longitude: -122.366978601
Taken from: South
Beach Profile #2
Latitude: 48.1373377238
Longitude: -122.366909534
Taken from: West
Reference Feature
Latitude: 48.1373446389
Longitude: -122.366917832
Latitude: 48.137356164
Longitude: -122.366938619
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"Chilly, about 40 degrees. Probably about 20-30 people in the park."