0 hours 36 minutes after high tide
Data from Orient (15.2 miles away)
Water Level (at time of report): 12:25 pm, 4.1'
High Tide (Predicted): 10:51 am, 3.7'
High Tide (Observed): 10:36 am, 4.6'
(Click here for full tide details from NOAA Tides & Currents)
Wind Speed: 7.1 MPH
Wind Direction: NNE (19°)
Temperature: 46℉
Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0.009"
Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0.1"
(Click here for full weather details)
"Meigs Point, Hammonassett State Park, Madison, CT. Photo of east side of parking field and access road near Nature Center. Photos by John Hine, Park & Recreation Supervisor."