"Port Townsend WA 10/18/24, from 4:45 pm to 5:15 pm PDT
Boat Haven, Salmon Club Boat Ramp, NW Maritime Center Pier, Salmon Club Boat Ramp
(total water level)
Predicted Still Water Level 8.94 ’, Observed Tide Gauge Level 9.39’ (relative to MLLW)
Wind: ESE at 25 kt, Gusting to 40 kt
Wave height at Salmon Club boat ramp estimated 2’ to 3’
Atmospheric pressure 1016.8 mb; which is 1.0 mb below average
Observed Total Water Level @ Boat Ramp was between 10.4’ and 10.9’ (relative to
NAVD88), which is 11.5’ and 12.0’ (relative to MLLW)
Wave Runup was estimated at 2.4’"
"Port Townsend WA 10/18/24, from 4:45 pm to 5:15 pm PDT Boat Haven, Salmon Club Boat Ramp, NW Maritime Center Pier, Salmon Club Boat Ramp (total water level) Predicted Still Water Level 8.94 ’, Observed Tide Gauge Level 9.39’ (relative to MLLW) Wind: ESE at 25 kt, Gusting to 40 kt Wave height at Salmon Club boat ramp estimated 2’ to 3’ Atmospheric pressure 1016.8 mb; which is 1.0 mb below average Observed Total Water Level @ Boat Ramp was between 10.4’ and 10.9’ (relative to NAVD88), which is 11.5’ and 12.0’ (relative to MLLW) Wave Runup was estimated at 2.4’"