Hines, WA

Pacific County

Collected crabs

Observation Type: Opportunistic observation

Molts/crabs found: Yes

European green crabs found: Yes

Number of European green crab molts found: 1

Green crab #1

Condition of European green crab #1: Dead

Sex of European green crab #1: Male

Carapace width of European green crab #1: 1

Also submitting Dungeness crab molt data: No

Number of Dungeness crab molts found: 0

09/21/2023 | 10:38 am

Tidal Overview

4 hours 26 minutes after high tide

Data from Toke Point (8 miles away)

Water Level (at time of report): 10:38 am, 3.5'

High Tide (Predicted): 6:03 am, 6.2'

High Tide (Observed): 6:00 am, 6.2'

Observed Predicted water level Report time

Weather Overview

Wind Speed: 5.7 MPH

Wind Direction: NE (56°)

Temperature: 60℉

Rainfall (Calendar Day): 0"

Rainfall (Past 24 Hours): 0"

(Click here for full weather details)

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Lisa Watkins, Washington Sea Grant
    October 2, 2023 4:41 pm

    Great find, Gabriela! This is indeed a green crab. Its distinctive gem shape and those five sharp marginal teeth on either side of its eyes give it away! Green crab populations continue to grow and spread in Willapa Bay and there’s a strong team of trappers, supported by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife working to manage the populations there. You can read more about current status at WDFW’s green crab hub here: https://wdfw-egc-hub-wdfw.hub.arcgis.com/pages/background-information

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