2020 King Tides

All times indicated are for Newport (for other locations see below):

7-Apr 8:18PM 1.0
8-Apr 9:07PM 1.1
9-Apr 9:57PM 1.1
6-May 7:58PM 1.1
7-May 8:47PM 1.2
8-May 9:37PM 1.1
4-Jun 7:40PM 1.1
5-Jun 8:30PM 1.1
18-Sep 9:00AM 1.0
19-Sep 9:50AM 1.1
20-Sep 10:41AM 1.1
16-Oct 7:49AM 1.1
17-Oct 8:38AM 1.3
18-Oct 9:28AM 1.3
19-Oct 10:20AM 1.2
14-Nov 6:29AM 1.1
15-Nov 7:19AM 1.3
16-Nov 8:10AM 1.2
17-Nov 9:02AM 1.0
14-Dec 7:04AM 1.0

Tide data provided courtesy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

What if I don’t live in Newport?

Check online for your local high tide times and elevations. For example, high tide varies at different locations, referenced to Newport High Tide:

Newport: 0 minutes
Quonset: +9 minutes
Providence: +18 minutes
Weekapaug: +32 minutes
Bristol: +13 minutes
Block Island – Old Harbor: -14 minutes

If you are in enclosed tidal body or salt pond, the tides can be an hour or more later than in the open ocean/bay.