Type: Styrofoam/Foam
Construction material: Unspecified
Debris source: Unknown , floated down beach years ago and finally lodged into high bank beach where it has stayed for years
Ownership: Jefferson Beach Estates Inc. Kingston WA 98346
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"It has been gradually falling apart and littering the beach with small foam particles which we try to clean up. It is a hazard with a 5 x5x5 foot rusted steel structure and it looks like it was once steel encased. Grant La Crosse with Kitsap Waste Management inspected the structure pre Covid shutdown and said it was beyond their capacity to deal with it. Pre Covid shutdown I made contact with DNR which lead me to your site and am trying again to get it removed on behalf of the Jefferson Beach community. I understood My Coast removed creosote debris off the beach years ago and is aware of the site. There is road access and is west of the fishing pier. Please advise if you can help with this issue and if you need more info. Thanks Dwight Talley ph 360 297 3913, dtalley@donobi.net"