"Aberdeen Creek gully towards conduit under Broad Street and nearby creek. 1873 and 1889 county atlases show creek turning south, not going towards Broad St, so this gully mustve been a change with building of park in 1931"
Photo Tag:
01/05/2023 | 12:40 pm
Tidal Overview
6 hours 12 minutes after high tide
Data from Matawan Creek, Route 35 bridge (1.9 miles away) All heights shown relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW): the daily low tide level averaged over a 19-year period.
High Tide (Predicted): 6:28 am, 5.3'
■ Observed■ Predicted water level⬤ Report time
The accuracy of the predicted tides at the photo location may vary depending on distance from the nearest tide station and due to wind, rain, and other short-term meteorological events.
"Aberdeen Creek gully towards conduit under Broad Street and nearby creek. 1873 and 1889 county atlases show creek turning south, not going towards Broad St, so this gully mustve been a change with building of park in 1931"